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The culture of your company can either make or break your business. Nowadays, the environment in which you work is a significant selling point for potential hires. Many elements make up a company culture, including the company’s mission, values, ethics, goals, and expectations.

If an employee enjoys the environment they’re working in and finds that their needs and values are consistent with those of the company, they will be more enthusiastic about their work. This will often translate into positive habits in the workplace. If employees develop good relationships with their coworkers, both inside and outside of the office, they will be more productive as well.

Having a well-built company culture is essential to recruit and retain talent while continuing to build long-lasting relationships with your clients. Follow these steps to improve your company culture in 2018.  

Step 1
Pay attention to the interactions of your employees and their overall mood in the office. Do people seem to get along with each other? Is there friendly conversation? Or do people look to be stressed out and moody? Taking note of these small details can help shape your company’s environment into something that’s more enticing.

Step 2
Once you’ve made your own opinions about how your employees are engaging in the workplace, ask them to share how they feel about it. Conducting anonymous employee surveys can be a great tool to gain honest opinions. Curate your list of questions to help you gauge your employees’ sentiments about the current company culture and what differences (if any) they would like to see in the future.

Step 3
After reviewing the results of your employee surveys or verbal feedback, discuss the major takeaways with your leadership team. Is what they are looking for something that is feasible within your office? Company? Industry? If not, how can you accommodate these needs and/or desires? Discuss what actionable items can be applied that resonates with the company’s vision and values.

Step 4
Now that you’ve established what your employees want and what legitimate items your company can deliver, it’s time to begin executing your plan. In order to hold ourselves accountable, be sure to include a timeline of deliverables and responsibilities.